Saturday, April 01, 2006

Saturday 1st April

Didn't make it out on the bike after work today. Knackered from the early start and the mind numbing task of counting tiny components all day gave me a massive headache. I did manage to give the bike a going over with a little love and WD40 and a change of much needed brake pads!!

Heard the bad news that one of my Mum's good friends died this morning. Another victim of cancer. She was staying in St Anne's.

Although I only met Sue a few times, she was a lovely lady and always had time to ask how I was, how work was going etc... my thoughts are with her family and friends. I was truly sorry to hear she passed away.

Really am going to try and give up smoking now!! maybe even a new outlook on life is needed... A few things have happened over the last few months that kinda put things into prospective...

Total fundraising to date: £927.00
Miles Rode Today: 0
Miles Rode Since 16/02/06: 124