Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thursday 12th October

Maaaaan where does the time go??? Can't believe it's nearly mid-October already!! Not that long till I get on the plane (16/11/06). Just realised I haven't updated the blog since 28/09. I'm sooooooo bad!!!! Promise to try and keep this updated everyday from now until 16/11.

Have been training pretty hard most evenings but I'm starting to think I may struggle somewhat (especially on the hills, I hate hills!!) with the heat and humidity. Unless I start to train in a Sauna I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it.

I don't think I'll have a problem cycling the 60 - 80 mile a day as it's spread out over 8 - 10 hours. Think it'll be the heat and humidity that gets to me, not to mention the little (and big) 8 legged freaks they have out there!!

Have started wearing patches in a bid to give up the fags. I know I know, just finding it really hard. I've drastically cut down though. From 20 a day to 2 or 3 max. I'm pretty happy, just want to quit altogether and get my fitness back to when it was when I was 18 (I can dream).... the patches are horrible though. Thought I was having a stroke earlier. Pains shooting in my shoulder were unbearable. I took it off dinner time and that's when I gave in and nicked a fag off Dave "like a whippet" Daniels!! To tell you the truth, it was horrible but at the same time, satisfying :)

Had 2 vaccinations for Rabies so far (third and final is on the 30th Oct.) and I've yet to look forward to an intense course of Japanese B Encephalities vaccinations. Mmmm lovely jubbly!!

Haven't started scratching or howling yet so I think the rabies jabs are in agreement with the old immune system. Still felt like shit after each one but not howling is all good news in my books.

Must say a massive thank you to Adrian Bragger for his kind donation and wish him luck on his half marathon race coming up soon. Cheers mate and good luck!!

Oh yeah, pity I don't actually speak Vietnamese otherwise I would have understood your "sponsor message", just hope it was something along the lines of "good luck Steve, you can do it!!" rather than something like "watch out for those 8ft spider webs!!". Cheers mate. See here if you haven't got a clue what I'm on about. And... if you haven't already, please sponsor me :)

Would also like to thank Carla Mahoney for her sponsor as well. Not often you get money out of a student (yet alone a politician). Thank you Carla!!

Forgot to mention about dieting... I saw the doctor last friday to help me plan a pre-ride diet to help me lose a few extra pounds before I fly out.

In contradiction to what my thoughts were, he suggested I actually pile on the pounds as he believes I could lose up to 2 stone during the 10 day event. 2 stone!! No chance!! I argued surely losing a few more pound would make it easier going up the hills!! Doctors!! What do they know!! :P

I've cut out most of the bad foods I used to eat (I'd kill a Dominos though!!) and have even started eating fruit, daily!! (see Mum, I can look after meself). I now have Weetabix and toast for breaky, nana and apple for dinner and either pasta or cheese on toast for tea.

No more crisps, chips, kebabs, currys (unless its lads curry night), pizzas (nooooo), icecream, sweets, chocolate, coke (or other branded pop drinks - bad for the gut lining apparently, not to mention teeth), fast foods etc... it's more home cooked fresh foods, salads and pasta (sorry Mum, still not gonna eat veg!!) :)

Weight hasn't shifted though. Even with the training and dieting I'm still at just under 13.5St. I did drop to almost in the 12.X region but for some reason it went back up... they do say muscle is heavier than fat though. Thats my excuse anyway!!

Until tomorrow... woof

Total fundraising to date: £4205.19
Miles Rode Today: 15
Miles Rode Since 16/02/06: 804.7